Ruled by zodiac Gemini:
The third House is that of communication, which by extension includes one's immediate environment. The 3rd house also includes the intellect, the lower mind (details and small bits of information), thinking patterns, and early education. Communication includes messages, deliveries, gossip, phone
calls, visits, reading and writing.
The 3rd house rules all aspects of communication: thinking, talking, and your online persona. This sector rules media, electronic devices, and the ways we give and receive messages. Building upon the first house of identity and second house of material resources and value, this zodiac zone is about community, neighborhoods, and local travel. It's how we first learn to articulate our ideas in the world.
The third house is all about how we communicate with the world — even in the subtle ways we don't realize. Communication can be transmuted to our immediate community of people who surround us and how we interact and communicate together. When planets transit through the third house, we might learn valuable information about the people around us.
REFLECTION: What is your relationship with communiction, thought processes, and information? Are there any parts of this that cause you pause or strong emotion? How does this show up in your day to day life and what has influenced it?